piątek, 12 października 2018

Interview with Krolok

Krolok’s debut is an album that definitely deserves the attention it’s getting. Nothing discovering though, but black metal played the old, cold style. So one day, having drunk some beers, I decided to send Vlado some questions, just for fun, not pressing him to reply. Well, it took the ugly bitch five months to send his reply, but I finally could read what he had to say. He appears here as a total stiff and I know that if we talked live at a bottle, he would have replied at more ease, but fuck it. Some secrets are reserved for drunken meetings only haha! Still, there you go:

Hello Vlado, you old cocksucker! How are you, how is it going?

Hello Marcin, you old drunkard. It goes quite well, though it is unbelievably hot in here. But at last I found some time to answer your questions.

Today I want to ask you some geyish questions about Krolok. What the hell is Krolok? Does it have anything to do with “królik” (rabbit)?

Krolok is a vampire character from the movie “Dance of the Vampires” from Roman Polanski. Its atmosphere has charmed me so much that I told myself that Krolok is an ideal name for my side project. By the way, the music for this movie was composed by a Polish composer Krzysztof Komeda. If you have not seen this movie I can only recommend it to you with my best regards.

How did your musical education begin? Do you remember what inspired you to reach for the guitar and what did your first lessons look like? Traditionally started with “Smoke on the water” riff?

The beginnings were tough. But if I remember correctly then it was somewhere around years 2001 – 2002 when I invited my friend (As from Malokarpatan) and noticed that he has got an electric guitar. We used to listen to Black Metal mainly at that time so I learned the riffs from bands like Burzum, Mayhem and Graveland. But you are right, the riff from Deep Purple is also connected with my beginnings.

Admit – you got your first guitar from Santa. He said he had something hard and long for you, asked you to touch it and when you opened your eyes yand had a guitar in your hand (yes, I know you must have felt much disappointed) J

That feeling was undescribable, but no. My first guitar was bought by my father , I think it was in 2003. After that I could dedicate myself fully to record the first demo Helcaraxe.

Before we received (no no, no dirty thoughts you bastard!) the debut album from Królik you released some other minor stuff. The first one was a split with Temnohor on a cassette. What was the response for that release? Did you sell any abroad?

I think the feedback was quite good but to be honest I do not remember this that much. It was a very limited edition of MCs , so it evaporated very fast. 

Then there was another cassette (why the fuck this media? You like it so much?) with the demo “When the Moon Sang Our Songs” and EP “At the End of a New Age” released digitally only. Do you think those releases fulfilled your expectations, both musically and when it comes to publicity? They didn’t fucking reach me anyway…

The basic concept of releasing the demo “When the Moon…” was that the MC and LP are going to be released together. But like usually the release of the LP was delayed. And why the MC? Because there was interest and demand to release it on this format and I personally do not have any objections against it  (though I do not own an MC deck for years). But I realized that many people do prefer this kind of format. I have certain memories to both releases therefore I can say that I am satisfied with them. The Demo “When the Moon…” should not have been officially released - it was basically our first rehearsal in the Algor rehearsal room (a band of our drummer). But with some time gone there was an interest to release it so I told to myself, why not. And the EP “At the End..” was something like a promo recording before releasing the debut album. The fact that it came out later as an LP was a matter of coincidences and it surely was not planned in advance.

Luckily those releases have been renewed in CD format. How come? Did you insist on it or the labels contacted you with the offer? BTW could you say something more about them as they are rather little known. 

Since there has been interest  to have these two recordings released I did not hinder to release a CD version. Very soon after the debut album was released I was contacted by the Spanish label Nebular Carcoma that with interest to release the EP “At the End…” We arranged an agreement that they can release it but only with some delay - not to clash with the release of the debut. If I am right and remember correctly, this release had been already sold out at their store , but it can be gathered through other labels who are distributing it. A couple of months earlier a Lithuanian Inferna Profundus has contacted me with a similar demand but this time to release the demo “When the Moon…”, I guess this one has been out for more than two months and distributed as a  6-panel digipack, there was even a limited T-shirt included to this CD some time later which I think is still possible to get. 

“Flying Above Ancient Ruins” made a little mess on the scene. It’s nothing discovering to be honest, just refreshing the old style in a perfect way. Still the material is so good, that it’s obligatory for everybody claiming himself a blackmetal fan. Are you completely satisfied with this recording or you would change something looking from the time distance?

I am satisfied with the album. With the benefit of hindsight I would change some things but these would not be too big changes. Since it has been out – a year - it has gathered pretty good reviews which makes me feel immensely good as the author. 

If I remember well (as I sometimes message you totally wasted and then have to recall the whole thing the day after) you recorded “Flying Above Ancient Ruins” in your own studio. What other bands do you record there? Considering your two bands and the studio, and regular work… how do you find time for all that? Especially that recently you’ve become a father again (congratulations! How is your husband?).

Beside drums I recorded everything at home. I had enough space to record the instruments and I was not under time pressure like when you pay for the time in a studio. Beyond Krolok, we recorded similarly the first album of Malokarpatan,  Temnohor  and Remmirath. Thank you for mentioning my fatherhood, I appreciate it a lot! Since I have two small kids it has been rather difficult for me to find some time for music the last year. But my female partner is a tolerant person, so I cope with that somehow.

Looking at Krolok’s covers it seems you like the vampire theme a lot. They suck to me (literally haha!). So, following your drives, have you ever tried drinking fresh blood? And I don’t mean the blood from period pussy, which must have happened to you after heavy drinking.

To be honest, I have not thought about blood – drinking, ever. Maybe I should change it in the near future, haha.  Bloody Mary does not count, right? (No, fukkin virgin Mary doesn’t count – jesusatan).

Are you much into horror films as well? Watched something wort recommending recently? Or you only watch porn mostly, like me?

Since there has been not much time left for me due to my parental activity, I have not seen anything interesting in the last time. But as I have mentioned earlier, the movie  “Dance of the Vampires” has a very strong atmosphere which I enjoy very much despite the fact that it is a parody. Another one - It is not a horror - but I could recommend an old Czechoslovak film called “Tajemství hradu v Karpatech” (The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians, directed by Oldřich Lipský) which I consider one of the best in my top list.

Since the early recordings your music is strongly inspired with the 2nd wave of Norwegian blackmetal, some claim that also Polish metal though. Anything else inspired you to start the band?

Polish scene was quite active and strong in the 90s. When I was younger I used to be possessed with it. And to be specific – with bands like Graveland (the old era)Thor’s Hammer, Legion, Wineta/Gromowladny (their split edition), the old Iuvenes, Veles and not to be forgotten - Arkona (the demo Bogowie zapomnienia and the album Imperium are my favourites). Regarding newer brands I could mention Cultes Des Ghoules…

All the Krolok releases mentioned above were recorded with a bunch of older and younger pederasts from your area, who also participate in other projects (Temnohor, Malokarpatan, Remmirath). Does it mean, that there are no other proper musicians you could complete the lineup with? Or you just have your dark secrets and everybody keeps compromising pictures of the others in their shelf?

Difficult to say because we know ourselves for many years so we know what to expect from each other and we do not need help from other people.

Did any other member has ever had any influence on Krolok’s music or is it your personal project and you don’t allow anybody to interfere?

Krolok is and always will be my own project.

Recently you grew a beautiful moustache to sight of which women get their nipples hard and boys get hard in some other place. What was the reason? Your wife wanted you to tickle her here and there or was it connected with the new position in Malokarpatan (I bet some maniacs didn’t even realize the lack of the other Vlad when you played live)?

It is something new to me, beginnings were rather hard but I am getting used to it over time.  As far as I know you will have the opportunity to see us live so then you can create your own opinion about us. Thank you for the compliment – the moustache and sunglasses are the trademark sign of a member of Malokarpatan and I simply wanted  to continue this tradition. 

Being at Malokarpatan. As you always have some bottles of wine on stage, has it ever happened to you to play a gig being fucked up? I don’t mean the Azazel style, but let’s say half of it?

It is basically a small ritual and wine during our live performances is a commitment! I will not say where but this year, we maybe overblew it a little bit with the beverage which had some consequences regarding our presentation, therefore it is maybe better to finish ourselves after ending the performance.

Any plans for live shows with Krolok or will it remain a studio project forever?

There was a thought that maybe this or the next year we could do a couple of live appearances. Since I have been active also in the band Malokarpatan, we perform live too, but I have not thought too much about that. Everything is open and I am very much accessible to live performances.  

Are you already carving upon a new material for Krolok? Let’s name it – there is no use as it is hellava dickish band and will always suck. Let it go man ;)

I do not think it is worth to disclose anything at this time because everything is in its beginning. Neverthless, next year, something will be released for sure - but - whether it will be an album or something smaller, has to be considered.

OK, so now you can pull the dildo out of your ass and with the lowest tune possible tell me to get the fuck out to my fridge for another beer! Cheers man and thanks a lot for your time. See you in hell!

Thank you very much for your interest and no less juicy and refreshing questions. I think we will see each other in a short time soon!

-          jesusatan


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