czwartek, 30 maja 2024

BLACK HOLE DEITY z nowym singlem


Excitement over here as we can finally unveil "Blast Pit" from the upcoming BLACK HOLE DEITY debut album "Profane Geometry"!
Featuring Malignancy and ex Chaos Inception members, the Alabama based death metal quartet BLACK HOLE DEITY is back after the acclaimed EP "Lair Of Xenolich" with their long awaited debut full-length! Sharpened sonic attacks of endless blast beats mixed with a melodic sensibility and guitar solos reminiscent of the Shrapnel will deliver the ultimate death metal album for 2024!

FFO Nile, Morbid Angel, Hate Eternal, Mithras
Shipping JULY 5 on CD / Tape / Digital
(Vinyl in late summer 2024, preorders will appear in due time)

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