sobota, 25 maja 2024

Można odsłuchać nowy MORTAL WOUND


The debut album from Los Angeles-based death metal squad MORTAL WOUND is out now!


Stream The Anus of the World in its entirety at


The album is also streaming on Spotify and Apple Music.


Dark Descent Records has released The Anus of the World on CD, cassette and digital formats, with Me Saco un Ojo Records handling vinyl treatment and additional cassette orders.


Order The Anus of the World at (vinyl orders)



1. Found Dead in a Bush

2. Tunnel Rat

3. The Surf is Gonna Be Bitchin'

4. Drug Filled Cadaver

5. One Who Kills & One Who Loves

6. Born Again Hard

7. Engulfed in Liquid Hellfire

8. The Worm Has Turned for You

9. Spirit of the Bayonet

10. Even the Jungle Wanted Him Dead

11. Royally Fucked Forever

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