piątek, 24 maja 2024

Singiel od AKHLYS


The oneiric US ensemble AKHLYS unveils a second track from upcoming album, "House of the Black Geminus," set for release on July 5th. 'Maze of Phobetor' weaves an intricate tapestry of Black Metal witchcraft, advancing the distinctively tempestuous sound established on previous albums, "The Dreaming I" (2015) and "Melinoë" (2020). To complement this aural hypnosis, visual artist David Tomanek / tomanek|media has created an eldritch video which underscores the band's spellbinding allure.

Watch and listen here:


AKHLYS was formed 2009 by Naas Alcameth (NIGHTBRINGER, AORATOS, BESTIA ARCANA) as a musical expression for the inexplicable visions, journeys and phenomena that occur in liminal lands between slumber and awakening. Initially exploring these concepts via Dark Ambient in debut "Supplication" (2009) and then haunting Black Metal through lauded follow-up "The Dreaming I" (2015), Alcameth has once again reified and rarefied this vision, giving rise to a third and crowning work, "Melinoë", which was released in December 2020.

Earning widespread acclaim for their live performances, AKHLYS secured a partnership with Parasite Gallows Booking in 2022. Amidst numerous tours and festival appearances in Europe, Israel, Latin America and the United States, the recent years have also witnessed the crafting of new compositions destined for the band’s fourth album. Titled "House of the Black Geminus," this much-anticipated release is scheduled for release July 5th, 2024.

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