piątek, 17 maja 2024



No Clean Singing is hosting the exclusive premiere of "Deleterious", a merciless track from FEED THEM DEATH's new album "The Malady". This latest preview from the band's new effort is now streaming HERE.

“The Malady” is the fifth release by Death-Grind project FEED THEM DEATH, and it will be released via Brucia Records on June 20th, 2024 on digital and a special limited edition containing CD, Tape with low-fi one take rehearsals, a personalized notebook and a pin all placed inside a black mortuary bag.

3 years exactly after the critically acclaimed “Negative”FEED THEM DEATH are back with another slab of fast, dissonant and chaotic anti-music.

Eleven new tracks eccentrically fusing Grindcore, Death Metal, D-beat, Sludge, 80’s Crust-Punk / Thrashcore and Noise Rock with a deconstructed and improvisational jazz sensibility.

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