sobota, 8 czerwca 2024

Album INSECT ARK do odsłuchu


Centered around Dana Schechter (SWANS), since forming in 2011 INSECT ARK has crafted a captivating catalogue of experimental Art. In collaboration for the first time with Tim Wyskida (KHANATE) and now incorporating Schechter's ethereal vocals into their music, the band proudly presents fourth full-length, "Raw Blood Singing". Showing clear evolution, INSECT ARK creates a lush, bleak, and expansive soundscape - transitioning from gentle whispers of synth to a monstrous wall of sound, driven by Schechter's fiery lap steel playing, sinister bass work, and the immense, scorching power of Wyskida's drums.

Stream the album in its entirety below on DMP's YouTube channel:


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