poniedziałek, 10 czerwca 2024

Debiut TORTURERS' LOBBY do odsłuchu


Today, nasty metallers Torturers' Lobby stream the entirety of their highly anticipated debut album, Deadened Nerves, at Decibel magazine's website. Set for international release on June 14th - Caligari Records will release the CD and cassette tape versions while Ixiol Productions will release the vinyl version - hear Torturers' Lobby's Deadened Nerves in its entirety exclusively HERE.

Nasty, authentically underground, but not bogged down by too-cool borders, Torturers' Lobby shitkick past, present, and future with Deadened Nerves.
In the leadup to its international release this Friday, hear  Deadened Nerves in its entirety exclusively
HERE, courtesy of Decibel, North America's only monthly metal magazine. Preorder for the CD and tape versions can be found HERE at Caligari's Bandcamp.
Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Torturers' Lobby's Deadened Nerves
1. Dawning
2. Barbaric Alchemy
3. Chromosomal Devastation
4. Captured Pieces
5. Reaper's Impunity
6. Hypnotic Seeds Sown
7. Humanity's Husk
8. Re-education
Enduring Spirit
10. Reptilian Hide

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