środa, 19 czerwca 2024

Można odsłuchać EP-kę WINDSWEPT


Today, Ukrainian black metallers Windswept stream the entirety of their highly anticipated new mini-album, Der eine, wahre König, at the Black Metal Promotion YouTube channel. Set for international release on June 21st via Primitive Reaction, hear Windswept's Der eine, wahre König in its entirety exclusively HERE.

In the leadup to its international release this Friday, hear Der eine, wahre König in its entirety exclusively HERE, courtesy of the Black Metal Promotion YouTube channel. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Windswept's Der eine, wahre König
1. Verbrannte Brücken [5:25]
2. Die Bürde der Erinnerungen [7:04]
3. Drangsal [5:03]
4. Jedes Todes Lohn [10:32]

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