wtorek, 4 czerwca 2024

VOID WITCH wracają z nowym albumem


VOID WITCH is back!
Crushing and suffocatingly heavy Texan Death Doom quartet VOID WITCH is finally back with the new album "Horripilating Presence", a mosaic of inspirations that slithers across the whole spectrum of the genre and is not afraid to explore the beyond!
The witch is ready to choke you again in the coils of her cloak. Succumb!

"Creating our debut album as a bunch of middle aged dads is an exercise in absurdity. Chained by responsibility, the mechanical habits of life, a lack of time and energy at the end of every long day, we pushed to write and record these songs over the course of a few years. This album exists because we needed it to exist, because our world-worn sanity needed a brief escape. We hope you enjoy this labor of absurdity."

FFO Hooded Menace, Temple Of Void, Coffins, Druid Lord
Shipping JULY 26 on CD / Tape / Digital
(Vinyl in autumn 2024, preorders will appear in due time)

1) Grave Mistake
2) Second Demon
3) Malevolent Demiurge
4) Supernova Of Brain And Bone
5) Thousand-Eyed Stalactite
6) Horripilating Presence

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