piątek, 6 lipca 2018

Refusal/Bestia/Lobotomia w sierpniu w Magnetofonie

(Death metal/grindcore)

A Finnish death metal band that has been grinding around for over 10 years. Plays first time in Poland on this European tour. The show will include tracks from the debut album 'We Rot Within' and from the upcoming second album 'Epitome of Void'.



Gramy dość powolny i gruboziarnisty metal, który czasem zawiewa mroźnymi wiatrami z północy, a czasem sprawia, że grzęźniemy po szyję w czarnym bagnie. Dwie części brudu, jedna dymu, dużo smoły i łut zapachu mokrego futra pośród omszałych, powykrzywianych korzeni.
Metal of the slower and grainer sort, sometimes making you shiver from the cold northern winds and at other times making you feel as if you've been wading in a thick, black, stinky bog, desperately trying to get out. Two parts dirt, one part smoke, and a hint of damp fur among ancient moss covered rocks on a mountainside.


(Thrash/death metal)

Cena 20 zł.

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