sobota, 30 listopada 2024

A review of Pandemic “Phantoms”



Dying Victims Prod. 2024


Pandemic is a band with such members, probably directly influencing the music, as guitarists from Gallower and Roadhog. And knowing these gentlemen, and their old-school approach to the creative process, it's rather not hard to guess what kind of music Pandemic is up to. Listening to “Phantoms”, like with the two aforementioned bands, I get the impression that the guys are from a different era. Because, no, of course Pandemin won’t provide you with music other than that which has its roots in the 1980s, at most the 1990s. (Continue reading )

Recenzja Massacre „Necrolution”



Agonia Records 2024

Nigdy nie byłem zwolennikiem tej kapeli i tak właściwie moja z nią przygoda skończyła się już po kilku przesłuchaniach jej debiutu „From Beyond”, który wtedy na tle innych kapel zza wielkiej wody i będącej już w małym rozkwicie sceny szwedzkiej, wypadał raczej blado. (shub niggurath, masz, kurwa, ode mnie żółtą kartkę! – jesusatan) Późniejszy zalew kolejnych tytułów oraz wybuchu „płomienia na północnym niebie” skutecznie zatarł mi w pamięci istnienie tego zespołu… aż do teraz. (Czytaj dalej...)

Nowy Relics of Humanity w styczniu


Minsk (BY) - Brutal Death Metal quartet, Relics of Humanity, are set to release new album, Absolute Dismal Domain, on January 31, 2025 through Willowtip Records.

A lyric video for the album's first single, "Smoldering of Seraphim," is available now at: The single is also available on Bandcamp, Spotify, and Apple Music, among others.

The band released the following statement about the album:

"Absolute Dismal Domain is a nine-act conceptual record. The story told across these nine tracks is about absolute ubiquitous annihilation of light, both spiritually (god) and physically (sun and stars). This is the most brutal stuff about blackness and ungodliness ever created."

Absolute Dismal Domain is Relics of Humanity's first collection of original material since 2019's Obscuration EP (Willowtip) and the band's first full-length album (and third overall) since 2014's Ominously Reigning upon the Intangible (Amputated Vein).


Track Listing:

1. Omen Apollyon
2. Summoning Of Those Who Absorbed
3. Taking The Shape Of Infinity
4. In The Name Of Ubiquitous Gloom
5. Paralyzing The Light II
6. Absolute Dismal Domain
7. Smoldering Of Seraphim
8. His Creation That No Longer Exists
9. Dominion

BETRAYER "Calamity" - premiera CD już dzisiaj, wersja LP w grudniu


Na 30-lecie oryginalnego wydania, specjalna, rocznicowa edycja tego wielkiego i do dzisiaj łamiącego kości - dzieła.
Potężny debiutancki album "Calamity" oryginalnie wydany w 1994 roku.

Dzisiaj premiera wersji CD. Klasyczny jewel case + 12-stronicowa książeczka + slipcase.

Data wydania wersji LP to 20.12.2024. Przedsprzedaż startuje dzisiaj o godz. 18:00 na stronie

Nowy PESTILENT HEX do odsłuchu


"Heeding to A Sepulchral Call
A Tempest from Below to Upon Thee Befall
Each Footstep Whisper Wistfully to The Ground
As if The Earth Itself Wouldst Solemnly Mourn" ('Sanguine Gnosis')

With their grand second album PESTILENT HEX continue the mystical narrative of their debut and expand into uncharted territories - weaving myth, superstition, dreams and witchcraft into a tapestry of malefic prose to mirror the music's blackened heart.

Now officially unleashed, "Sorceries of Sanguine & Shadow" is an opus of labyrinthine Black Metal which utilises symphonics to enrich the atmosphere without diminishing its raw intensity.

Listen to the album via DMP's YouTube channel and all streaming plattforms:

Zapowiedź trzeciej płyty PYRE


Today, Osmose Productions announces January 31st, 2025 as the international release date for the highly anticipated third album of Russia's Pyre, Where Obscurity Sways, on CD, vinyl LP, and cassette tape formats.

After four long years of silence and absence in the fog of the pandemic and war, like a heavy sledgehammer rushing towards your head, Russia's Pyre return with their third full-length murderous opus, Where Obscurity Sways.

With the unique, fresh-sounding production but yet traditionally made in the old-school vein, along with the new level of performance, the new album delivers mid-tempo darkness and colder atmosphere of their previous album, complemented by classic phrases of band’s well-known high-speed crushing low-tuned rattling riffage with obscure melodies and solos and surely recognizable signature frantic voice.

In the meantime, see & hear the brand-new video "Murderous Transcendence" HERE at Osmose's official YouTube channel. Preorder info can be found HERE. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:


Tracklisting for Pyre (Russia)'s Where Obscurity Sways
1. Where Obscurity Sways [4:34]
2. From The Stygian Depths [3:13]
3. Domains Of The Nameless Rites [4:48]
4. Wandering… [1:06]
5. Murderous Transcendence [5:19]
6. Writhing Souls [4:34]
7. Chanting Ancient Incantations [2:52]
8. Pestilential Fumes [3:43]
9. Descending… [1:27]
10. Prognostic Of The Apocalypse [3:36]

Singiel od Häxkapell


“Satans rötter” (‘The roots of Satan’) is the debut single from the upcoming Häxkapell album, “Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp”, due for release on relevant formats on January 17, 2025.

Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp

From the remote reaches of Haparanda, Sweden, Häxkapell presents a black metal masterpiece that resonates with the eternal rhythms of nature and the cyclical dance of life and death.

“Om jordens blod och urgravens grepp” (‘Of earth’s blood and the grave’s grasp’) is a powerful blend of black metal, folk, and atmospheric darkness, interwoven with classical and progressive influences. Traditional instruments such as the violin, viola, willow flute, and hand drum infuse the music with ancient, primal energy. The lyrics, crafted through subconscious writing, serve as a conduit to the mystical and otherworldly.

The album was engineered, produced, and mixed by Oraklet. Drums were recorded at Nordvis Ljudstudio, with the remaining tracks laid down at Studio HMH. Mastering was handled by Tore Stjerna at Necromorbus Studio. Cover artwork: Maéna Paillet.

Toruński FANTOM z debiutancką EP-ką


Fantom to młody thrash metalowy zespół z Torunia, który określa swój styl jako "TOROONYAN STYLE". Powstał w listopadzie 2023 roku z inicjatywy dwóch gitarzystów – Catspra (18 lat) i Johnnego (19 lat). Droga do skompletowania pełnego składu była długa, ale kluczowe zmiany nastąpiły w styczniu 2024 roku, kiedy do zespołu dołączyli aktualny perkusista Dzan (15 lat) oraz basista Michał. W tym składzie zespół zagrał swój pierwszy koncert w marcu, występując jako support dla bydgoskiej Technophobii, która świętowała premierę swojej EP-ki Anti-Human Terror.Niedługo po debiucie doszło do zmiany na pozycji basisty – Michała zastąpił Amir, muzyk pochodzący z Iranu, który współpracował z Fantom do czerwca 2024 roku. Kolejnym przełomowym momentem dla zespołu było dołączenie Kajtona (18 lat), gitarzysty Technophobii, który objął funkcję basisty po rozstaniu z Amirem.W nowym składzie zespół skomponował cały materiał na swoją debiutancką EP-kę Regime of Chaos w lipcu i sierpniu 2024 roku. Nagrania odbyły się we wrześniu, a realizacją zajął się zaprzyjaźniony multiinstrumentalista Szymon Milewski z zespołów Exist i Savior. Proces nagrywania zajął jedynie dwa dni, ponieważ materiał został zarejestrowany "na setkę".Pierwszym zwiastunem EP-ki był singiel "McFantom", który ukazał się 30 września 2024 roku. Sama EP-ka miała premierę 9 listopada. Oprócz marcowego koncertu zespół wystąpił również na 10. urodzinach zespołu Exist, które odbyły się 27 października. W wydarzeniu wzięły udział również zespoły Interceptor i Technophobia.Od września 2024 roku Fantom pracuje nad materiałem na swój pierwszy album długogrający (LP). Menadżerem grupy jest gitarzysta Johnny Sadus, który odpowiada za marketing i organizację, natomiast kompozycje, muzyka i teksty powstają wspólnym wysiłkiem całego zespołu.Fantom stał się także inicjatorem międzynarodowej grupy thrashmetalowych zespołów młodego pokolenia, która działa na Instagramie i zrzesza już ponad 45 zespołów z całego świata. Celem projektu jest wzajemna promocja, wsparcie i popularyzacja młodych kapel z różnych zakątków globu. Dzięki tej inicjatywie udało się stworzyć wspólną playlistę na Spotify.LINK:ększym marzeniem zespołu jest organizacja nowego thrashmetalowego festiwalu w Toruniu. Młode zespoły z różnych krajów już wyraziły chęć uczestnictwa w tym wydarzeniu.Fun fact: W McFantom,(utwórze z saksofonem, na którym gościnnie zagrał Hubert Marecki) muzycy prześmiewczo krytykują śmieciowe żarcie, ale zdarza im się skusić na McDrwala! :P


piątek, 29 listopada 2024

Recenzja Valontuoja „Luonnon Armoilla”


„Luonnon Armoilla”

Inverse Records 2024

Świeży projekt utworzony w tym roku na fińskiej ziemi oraz jego jeszcze pachnąca nowością płyta. Z black metalem z tego kraju bywa różnie i każdy to wie, ale w przypadku „Luonnon Armoilla” mamy do czynienia z czymś zgoła innym niż taneczna odmiana tego gatunku lub naprawdę wojownicze, bądź surowe i iście diabelskie rzępolenie. (Czytaj dalej...)



TOTENMESE prezentuje teledysk do utworu „Incipit” z udziałem aktora Jana Peszka

„Incipit” pochodzi z najnowszego albumu zespołu „Fiktionlust”

Zamów album via Pagan Records

Black metalowy zespół Totenmesse wydał nowy teledysk do utworu „Incipit” z najnowszego albumu „Fiktionlust”. W teledysku występuje wokalista zespołu Mold oraz uznany polski aktor teatralny, filmowy i telewizyjny Jan Peszek.

Reżyserem teledysku „Incipit” jest Marcin Okrzesa, a za zdjęcia i montaż odpowiada Filmguyevsky.

Peszek jest znany ze swojej pracy w polskich filmach, takich jak Korczak, Ubu Król, Łabędzi Śpiew i nowszych programach telewizyjnych, w tym Idź przodem, bracie (Netflix) i Warszawianka. Laureat wielu nagród teatralnych, był członkiem grup teatralnych w różnych teatrach w kraju, w tym w Teatrze Narodowym w Polsce.

Maledictio Tour 2024


Kompilacja wczesnych nagrań od EXMORTIS w Xtreem Music


Track list:

"Descent Into Chaos" (demo 1988)
1. Winds of Hell
2. Lords of Abomination
3. Exmortis
4. Pathogenic Silence
"Immortality's End" (demo 1989)
5. Immortality's End
6. The Resurrection
7. Beyond the Realms of Madness
8. Casual Killing
9. Immortal Outro
"Fade From Reality" (7”EP 1991)
10. Dreams of the Dead
11. The Unforbidden (Unreleased Track 1991)
12. Fade from Reality
"History of Things to Come" (Compilation CD 1994)
13. Necrotic Visions
14. Silence of Darkness
Bonus tracks
15. Life (Unreleased Demo 1992)
16. The Resurrection (Live 1989)

Official re-issue through Xtreem Music with 2 bonus, of the CD that was originally released in 2011 which includes the two legendary demos "Descent Into Chaos" ('88) & "Immortality's End" ('89), the 7"EP "Fade From Reality" ('91) and 2 compilation tracks from '94 by this mythic US band of true Death Metal somewhat in the vein of very early MORBID ANGEL, SADISTIC INTENT, MERCILESS, POSSESSED... but way more intense and aggressive. An essential masterpiece!!

Drugi album GNIPAHÅLAN pod koniec grudnia


Purity Through Fire is proud to present Gnipahålan's actual second album, Folkstorm, on CD and vinyl LP formats. The CD version shall be released on December 25th while the vinyl version will follow early next year.

Gnipahålan is one of the main projects of Swartadauþuz - lynchpin of Ancient Records and also in such esteemed cults as Greve, Bekëth Nexëhmü, Muvitum, Trolldom, and Musmahhu among many others - handling all voices, strings, and synths along with various session drummers. As Gnipahålan, modernity is choked dead in favor of staunch 'n' strict mid-'90s classicism, specifically the retroactively-applied "second wave" of black metal across Scandinavia. With half a dozen demos, a couple splits, an EP, and a debut album from 2016, Swartadauþuz and cohorts have pursued a breathtaking vision of boundless traditionalism draped in hues of purple (and purple-blue).

In 2017, Purity Through Fire linked up with Gnipahålan for a later, worldwide release of the self-titled debut album, and thereafter began a campaign of making the band's recordings available on all formats - including two staggering double-disc collections in 2019. But it was Gnipahålan's I Nordisk Vredelusta in 2022 - at the time, thought to be the band's second album - that pushed this alliance into the annals of greatness. Topping a full hour, I Nordisk Vredelusta was the then-unmatched crystallization of this intensely personal - and intensely authentic - aesthetic.

If you were somehow unmoved by I Nordisk Vredelusta, then Folkstorm will do little to change your mind about Gnipahålan. Not everyone was around 30 years ago, but no more poignant an encapsulation of those times can be found than here...and Swartadauþuz is still ahead of everyone in black metal.

In the meantime, hear the brand-new/old track "Det Nordisk Urkallet" HERE at Purity Through Fire's official YouTube channel. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Gnipahålan's Folkstorm
1. Karolinernas Dödsmarsch
2. Det Nordiska Urkallet
3. Genom Stål och Død
4. Blodsband Genom Tidens Gång
5. Sprungna från Urtidens Kedja
6. Kall från Forna Tider
7. Ur Myllan kommen...
8. Storm av Nordisk Dödskonst
9. Blodörnens Kall...
10. Folkstorm



The latest transmission from the shadowed circle of Ordo Vampyr Orientis (BAT MAGIC, BAD MANOR, BEASTIAL MAJESTY), pianistic Black Metal mavericks BENEATH MOONLIGHT arrive on DMP in fantastic style with their unhinged self-titled debut EP.

Over six tracks, the clandestine entity dramatically channels the evil spirits, gothic castles and filthy asylums of '90s lycanthropic Black Metal with a peculiar modern power and edge-of-seat propulsion.


01. Intro – Malleus Maleficarum
02. None Before God
03. Reckoning of the Inquisitor
04. Versipellis
05. Beneath Moonlight
06. Vals – Malleus Lycanthroporum

These six audio incantations were finalized by Jacob Buczarski (MARE COGNITUM). 'Intro – Malleus Maleficarum' was composed and mixed by Sanguine (AVERSE SEFIRA). Blondel del Nesle guests on the title track.

The cursed cover painting was created by Karmazid (MOURNFUL CONGREGATION, LAMP OF MURMUUR), and the BENEATH MOONLIGHT insignia was illustrated by Misanthropic-Art (KATATONIA, MORTUARY DRAPE). Layout is by Yurii Kazarian / Into The Abyss Design.

Composer and pianist The Sanguinarian reflects on the band's name:

"I'd already begun composing the BENEATH MOONLIGHT EP when the name appeared to me in a ferocious and terrifying vision. A spectre, lit aflame in red light, whispered it in my ear and I felt my flesh singe and eardrums pop with each syllable."

The EP is the first part of the Henricus Institor saga, so named after the German churchman who in 1487 published a document known as the Malleus Maleficarum – a veritable how–to guide for the inquisitioning and dispatching of accused witches.

As a first gateway into the story, BENEATH MOONLIGHT offer the song 'None Before God' – a maniacal and melodious ode to the Dark Arts.

Listen via DMP's YouTube channel:

Until Death Takes Us zawita do Wrocławia


WROCŁAW! Tym razem najedziemy Klub Muzyczny Liverpool, aby w następującej konfiguracji dać Wam odczuć czym jest podziemie:





Toughness / Grób / Ortsul - 31 I 2025 - Klub Liverpool, Wrocław

P.S.: Przypominamy także, że dzień później widzimy się w lekko zmodyfikowanym składzie w krakowskim Spark Pub: Trwoga / Grób / Ortsul - 1 II 2025 - Spark Pub, Kraków

Debiut FESTERGORE do odsłuchu


Today, New York death metallers Festergore stream the entirety of their highly anticipated debut album, Constellation of Endless Blight, at the Death Metal Promotion YouTube channel. Set for international release November 29th via Personal Records on CD format - Iron Fortress Records will be handling the cassette tape version - hear Festergore's Constellation of Endless Blight in its entirety exclusively HERE.

Tracklisting for Festergore's Constellation of Endless Blight
1. Ironborn
2. Glass Casket (feat. Anthony Bramante)
3. SMA
4. The View From Halfway Down
5. Synchronizing the Kozmos part I
6. Surrender to Madness
7. Cryogenic Decay
8. Synchronizing the Kozmos part II
9. What Once Was Proud

Kolejny singiel od PANDEMIC


Today, Polish speed/thrash metallers Pandemic premiere the new track "Greatest of Sinners" at heavily trafficked web-portal The track is the third to be revealed from the band's highly anticipated second album, Phantoms, set for international release on December 20th via Dying Victims Productions. Hear Pandemic's "Greatest of Sinners" in its entirety exclusively HERE.

Winylowe wznowienie debiutu THE CLASSIC STRUGGLE


Myrtle Beach, South Carolina's THE CLASSIC STRUGGLE has partnered with Skepsis Recordings to reissue their debut classic, Feel Like Hell on vinyl for the first time. Two variants, hand-picked by the band, are available for a limited time.

Originally released in August 2005 by Ironclad Recordings, this definitive vinyl edition breathes new life into the album. Featuring reimagined artwork while honoring the spirit of the original, the visual overhaul was led by the album’s original artist, Steven Weiler, in collaboration with Paul Granese of Cold Cuts LLC. Jamie King of Jamie King Audio (Between the Buried and Me) was enlisted to remix and remaster the vinyl and digital editions of the reissue.

The vinyl reissue of Feel Like Hell is available on Galaxy Black Smoke Variant and Orange and Black Variant. Order at:

Download/stream the digital edition on Bandcamp and Spotify.


1) Death March
2) Feel Like Hell
3) From These Eyes
4) Amen To Artillery
5) Forgotten End
6) Unsacred
7) Burn the Fallen
8) Storm of Swords
9) Sworn Alliance
10) It's Not About Breaking Hearts, It's About Breaking Faces
11) Claim Your Own
12) Take Aim

czwartek, 28 listopada 2024

Recenzja Tuhka „Havuportaali”



Nordvis Produktion 2024

To już siódme demo w karierze tego fińskiego projektu, a może dopiero z uwagi na to, że istnieje on od 2009 roku. Jak zwykle odpowiedzialny za całość Lord Corax uporczywie trzyma się na „Havuportaali” swego konceptu na black metal. Trzy z sześciu tutaj zamieszczonych kawałków to dobrze znane z poprzednich wydawnictw Tuhka rytmy.  (Czytaj dalej...)

Nowy GORGON do odsłuchu


Today, old-school French black metallers Gorgon stream the entirety of their highly anticipated seventh album, For Those Who Stay, at the Black Metal Promotion YouTube channel. Set for international release on November 29th via Osmose Productions , hear Gorgon's For Those Who Stay in its entirety exclusively HERE.

Tracklisting for Gorgon (France)'s For Those Who Stay
1. For Those Who Stay [5:05]
2. Tod. Mort. Death. [2:39]
3. Next To The Mill [3:11]
4. Hypnotic Fire [3:49]
5. Vatican's Fall [3:11]
6. The Art Of Dying [2:58]
7. Despicable Beggars [4:56]
8. Shelter [3:33]
9. When It Rains In Hell [3:47]
10. Troops Of The Fallen [4:13]
11. Deserters As Prey [3:17]

Debiut THE CIMMERIAN w styczniu


Prepare for THE CIMMERIAN. This Los Angeles-based doom/thrash trio THE CIMMERIAN will set a crushing tone for the new year with An Age Undreamed Of... On their first full-length, this rogue set conjures images of high adventure and mayhem with an aggressive mix of sludgy-based rumblings, caustic fuzz-filled riffs, and sonorous war drumming.

The premiere of the album’s new single, “Darkwolf,” is now live at Stream the song now at this location.

Bassist/vocalist Nicholas Rocha comments on the song, “Borrowing its name from the eponymous hero straight out of Ralph Bakshi's 1983 visual opus "Fire & Ice", this thrash-laden track evokes not just the rush of battle but also the weight of consequence and of course, the joy of victory!”

An Age Undreamed Of... will be released on January 10, 2025 via Bandcamp with all streaming platforms to follow. Physical copies will be made available on CD by Hyborian Rage Records with colored vinyl to be released by BVR (Black Voodoo Records).

Follow THE CIMMERIAN, for it is Crom's will. If you don’t – to hell with you!


1) Shadow Kingdom
2) Neck Breaker of The Mountain
3) Silver and Gold
4) Darkwolf
5) Mournblade
6) Black Coast Tigris
7) Deathstalker
8) Monarch



Today, vampiric black metallers Order of Nosferat reveal the new track "At the Sea She Longs for His Return." The track is the second to be revealed from the band's highly anticipated sixth album, Towards the Nightrealm of Orlok, set for international release on December 25th via Purity Through Fire. Hear Order of Nosferat's "At the Sea She Longs for His Return" in its entirety HERE at Purity Through Fire's official YouTube channel.

Tracklisting for Order of Nosferat's Towards the Nightrealm of Orlok
1. ...Far Away to the Land of Ghosts
2. Crossing the Shadowland
3. Towards the Nightrealm of Orlok
4. At the Sea She Longs for His Return
5. Blood is Life!
6. Into Pale Shadows and Ghostly Dreams
7. Where the Werewolf Haunts the Woods
8. Beyond the Eternity Gates I Wait
9. Don't Leave [Gummy Boy cover]

Recenzja Brüdny Skürwiel „Silesian Bastards”

 Brüdny Skürwiel

„Silesian Bastards”

Old Temple 2024

No i się doczekaliśmy. Odkąd pamiętam, chłopaki z Niemytego zastrzegali się, że nie spieszy im się z nagrywaniem pełnometrażowego albumu, i nie wiadomo, czy takowy kiedykolwiek się ukaże. Faktycznie, zeszło im ponad dekadę, ale w końcu jest! Pół godziny będącej małą encyklopedią lat osiemdziesiątych / dziewięćdziesiątych jeśli chodzi o muzykę metalową. I słowa „metalową” używam z premedytacją, zresztą w podwójnym znaczeniu. (Czytaj dalej...)

Doomowy update na Brutal Assault


Można odsłuchać debiut CRYPTORIUM


Today, Swedish death metallers Cryptorium stream the entirety of their highly anticipated debut album, Descent Into Lunacy, at the Death Metal Promotion YouTube channel. Set for international release on November 29th via Personal Records on CD format - Iron Fortress Records will be handling the cassette tape version - hear Cryptorium's Descent Into Lunacy in its entirety exclusively HERE.

Nowe wydawnictwo w Necroscope Blasphemia


Debiut CHARLES EAST w grudniu


“Dislocated” is the first full length album by South African Piano Doom / Experimental artist and singer-songwriter CHARLES EAST and it will be released on December 17th, 2024 on digital and a special slipcase CD edition also containing a 14-pages booklet.

The single "Resting in my blood", featuring Eva O, is now streaming HERE.

Phenomenally powerful, both visceral and funereal, and elegantly combining Charles East fantastically nuanced piano music with a mix of Post-Punk, Goth Rock and Doom Metal.

8 months after the release of the EP “I am your consequence”, here is another fantastic showcase of talent and personality from CHARLES EAST - simultaneously gloomy and assaulting, spasmodically shifting from tender to desperate to furious, and again evoking all sorts of shadows to rise between the sparse and desperate chords of a lamenting piano, to then explode in fits of rage and anger.

The album sees the special collaboration of Eva O (Christian Death, Shadow Project, Super Heroines) as guest vocalist in one song.

Thematically, CHARLES EAST's music addresses darker themes ranging from intolerance, isolation, and obsession to self-loathing and the agony of life.

Profoundly meditative and introspective piano / Doom music for fans of Chelsea Wolfe, Diamanda Galas, Eva O.


1 It holds my viscera (6:45)
2 Venom (4:00)
3 I am the plague (4:57)
4 Is this my doom? (3:33)
5 Diseased (2:57)
6 I am your consequence (3:50)
7 Resting in my blood (Feat. Eva O) (2:57)
8 Inside my pestilence and rage oblectation vibrates (2:21)
9 The mouth (4:31)
10 Damnation (4:49)

wtorek, 26 listopada 2024

Recenzja Ancient Guard „Desiderans Dissolvi”

 Ancient Guard

„Desiderans Dissolvi”

Under the Sign of Garazel 2024

Ancient Guard to zespół, który przedstawił się już światu za pomocą debiutanckiej EP-ki „Nightfall Enthroned”, a było to stosunkowo niedawno, bo w połowie bieżącego roku.  Szybko się zatem panowie uwinęli z debiutem, zaskakując przy okazji podwójnie. Bo, nie wiem jak wy, ale osobiście nie spodziewałbym się, że zespół przejdzie spod opieki Iron Bonehead pod skrzydła naszego Garazela. (Czytaj dalej...)

Recenzja Infernalivm „Conquering The Most High”


„Conquering The Most High” MLP

Sentient Ruin 2024

Infernalivm to zdaje się nowy twór na francuskiej scenie, ale za to złożony ze starych jej wyjadaczy znanych z takich kapel jak Ritualization, Novae Militiae, Benighted oraz Merrimack. Mając pojęcie jak wypada twórczość tych brygad można oczekiwać wiele od rezultatu połączenia sił tych trzech muzyków. Panowie stanęli na wysokości zadania i skomponowali cztery numery niezłej smoły, której swąd jeszcze unosi się z moich głośników. (Czytaj dalej...)

Trasa koncertowa Toń + Weedcraft


Sarniak & Deerhunter booking prezentują

Trasa koncertowa

Toń + Weedcraft

Diabły, jelenie, chwasty, korzenie

16 koncertów w całym kraju

Wydarzenia i bilety (tba)

Trasa “Diabły, jelenie, chwasty, korzenie” to 16 koncertów zespołów Toń i Weedcraft. Na trasę zapraszają Sarniak & Deerhunter Booking. Poniżej lista koncertów z linkami do wydarzeń fb. Sprzedaż biletów ruszy niebawem.

Toń i Weedcraft zagrają w 16 miastach w Polsce:

31.01 Szczecin, Krzywy Gryf
01.02 Gorzów Wielkopolski, MagentOffOn
02.02 Poznań, Pod Minogą
15.02 Bydgoszcz, Mózg
16.02 Gdańsk, Wydział Remontowy
28.02 Lublin, New Vegas
01.03 Łódź, UV Klub
02.03 Warszawa, Hydrozagadka
14.03 Jawor, Zamek Nadaje
15.03 Opole, San Diego
16.03 Wrocław, Czasoprzestrzeń
28.03 Katowice, Piąty Dom
29.03 Wodzisław Śląski, Club Amber
30.03 Kraków, Alchemia
12.04 Przemyśl, Fort XXII
13.04 Kielce, Chicago

FILII NIGRANTIUM INFERNALIUM udostępniają nowy album do odsłuchu


Today, Portuguese speedthrashblackmetal kings Filii Nigrantium Infernalium stream the entirety of their highly anticipated fifth album, Pérfida Contracção do Aço, at the Transmissions From the Dark YouTube channel. Set for international release on November 29th via Osmose Productions, hear Filii Nigrantium Infernalium's Pérfida Contracção do Aço in its entirety exclusively HERE.

Klip i zapowiedź płyty AXETASY


Today, German blackened speed metallers Axetasy premiere the new track "Beyond All Order" at heavily trafficked web-portal The track is the second to be revealed from the band's highly anticipated debut album, Withering Tides, set for international release on January 24th, 2025 via Dying Victims Productions. Hear Axetasy’s "Beyond All Order" in its entirety exclusively HERE.

Hailing from Stuttgart, Germany’s Axetasy formed in 2020 with influences that belied their young age – namely, the speed metal, thrash, and black metal stalwarts of the ‘80s. Not for nothing is their furious, stubbornly obscure sound stuck there: while you’re busy checking the calendar year, Axetasy have already dragged you into the insane depths of morbid ecstasy!

Now, after a debut and a couple digital singles, Axetasy charge the gates of Hell with their full-length debut, Withering Tides. After the short, scene-setting intro, Withering Tides gallops away into heavy metal heaven with a sound that’s strikingly familiar yet somehow unique – strange magick, indeed! The four youngsters of Axetasy soon prove their mettle with a straightforward rush of just-black-enough speed metal dotted with tasty, atmospheric melodies and technically demanding passages. This is not the usual blackthrash trip; rare is it to find a modern band nailing the etched-in-time, Walls of Jericho-era Helloween sound with this much aplomb. As such, the production of Withering Tides totally befits their fun-yet-fiery, dark-but-not-completely chassis: gleaming and clean where it needs to be, and just dirty enough underneath. Nightmarish mayhem, for sure, and immediately memorable after just one listen…but you’ll surely be possessed by Axetasy to press “play” 666 times!

Swords of steel aloft, Axetasy’s Withering Tides comes heartily recommended for maniacs of labelmates Hexecutor and Blackevil as well as former labelmates Sacrifizer, Cruel Force’s more recent work, and Brazil’s Evil Invaders – enter this “Fatal Maze” posthaste!

In the meantime, hear the brand-new track "Beyond All Order" exclusively HERE, courtesy of Also hear the previously revealed "Voidcrawler" exclusively HERE, courtesy of Deaf Forever magazine. Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Axetasy's Withering Tides
1. Int(r)o the Void
2. Withering Tides of Space
3. Fatal Maze
4. Slicing Dreams
5. Beyond all Order
6. Voidcrawler
7. Deadly Witch
8. Axetasy (of Murder)
9. Nebulous Nightmares

Debiut STENCHED do odsłuchu


Today, Mexican death metallers Stenched stream the entirety of their highly anticipated debut album, Purulence Gushing From the Coffin, at the Death Metal Promotion YouTube channel. Set for international release on November 26th - Me Saco Un Ojo Records will handle the vinyl LP version while Extremely Rotten Productions will handle the CD version - hear Stenched's Purulence Gushing From the Coffin in its entirety exclusively HERE.

Kolejna edycla The Last Words of Death już za niecałe trzy tygodnie


Debiut CELESTIAL SCOURGE na początku przyszłego roku


Norwegian cosmic brutal tech-death metal juggernaut CELESTIAL SCOURGE is set to release their highly anticipated first full-length album, “Observers of The Inevitable”, in early 2025 through Time To Kill Records!

Following their explosive 2023 debut EP, “Dimensions Unfurled”, the band is ready to take their sound to the next level. Brace yourselves for a sonic journey that will push the boundaries of technical death metal into the uncharted realms of the cosmos.

Founded in 2021 by bassist Stian Gundersen, CELESTIAL SCOURGE has already carved out a name for themselves with their relentless energy and unparalleled musicianship. Their sound is a brilliant blend of haunting growls, guitars wielded with malicious precision, thunderous bass lines, and drumming so fast it challenges the speed of light. It’s a musical onslaught inspired by the vast mysteries of space and the terrifying beauty of its dark corners.

The band’s line-up features members with a pedigree in some of the most revered names in underground extreme metal, including Blood Red Throne, Deception, Ruun, Vorbid, and Todesking. Drawing inspiration from titans like Suffocation, The Faceless, The Zenith Passage, Cattle Decapitation and Cannibal Corpse, CELESTIAL SCOURGE crafts a sound that’s both ferociously modern and rooted in the genre’s brutal legacy.

This release expands on the themes and sonic landscapes introduced in their debut, catapulting listeners further into the boundless chaos of the universe.

Keep your eyes on the stars and your ears tuned to Time To Kill Records for more updates!