czwartek, 7 listopada 2019

Szczegóły nadchodzącego krążka AKRAL NECROSIS

AKRAL NECROSIS announce details on upcoming album and new collaboration

The recordings for the new album have begun. The song writing is complete for some time now and will soon become the third and longest full-length Akral Necrosis album. Drums have already been recorded by Krzysztof Klingbein, one of the most aggressive young drummers from Poland. The album has 10 tracks, lasting over an hour and marks the band's return to a conceptual format.
You can see the man behind the drums at work below, in a September recording:
The "surprise" would not have existed if Traian Sullensun, the former drummer, had continued what we started with “Underlight”. Choices close chapters and open others, and decisions must be respected, but his contribution to the new album now makes this release possible.
The title of the new album will be announced in the following period. Until the spring of next year, when its released is planned, there will be enough opportunities, especially since a new series of concerts is being prepared!
A part of the entire vision of the new album was revealed through the video for the song "Man in the Cauldron" (, so be free to find clues about the universe of the next full-length Akral Necrosis inside it. >>

Akral Necrosis is one of the most long-lasting Black Metal bands in Romania, founded in 2006. The group has 2 albums released so far: "Pandemic Dominion" (2011) and "Underlight" (2016), characterized by an aggressive style and themes that cynically project the promiscuity of the human-vice relationship.

Underlight is still available for streaming and orders here:

– jewel-case CD version:  

Inregistrarile noului album au inceput. Materialul e gata de ceva timp si va deveni cat de curand cel de-al treilea si cel mai lung full-length Akral Necrosis. Bateriile au fost trase deja de Krzysztof Klingbein, unul dintre cei mai agresivi tineri bateristi din Polonia. Albumul are 10 piese, o durata de peste o ora si marcheaza revenirea trupei la un format conceptual.
Pe omul din spatele tobelor il puteti vedea la treaba mai jos, intr-o inregistrare din septembrie:
"Surpriza" n-ar fi existat daca Traian Sullensun ar fi continuat ce am inceput cu Underlight. Alegerile inchid capitole si deschid altele, iar deciziile trebuie respectate, insa contributia sa la noul album face acum posibil acest comunicat.
Numele noului album va fi anuntat in perioada urmatoare. Pana in primavara anului viitor, cand este planuita lansarea lui, vor fi suficiente ocazii, mai ales ca, dupa o pauza destul de lunga, se pregateste o noua serie de concerte!
O parte din intregul tablou al noului album a fost dezvaluita prin videoclipul piesei “Man in the Cauldron” (, asa ca fiti liberi sa gasiti acolo indicii despre universul urmatorului full-lenght Akral Necrosis.>>

Akral Necrosis este una dintre cele mai longevive trupe de Black Metal din Romania, infiintata in 2006. Grupul are 2 albume lansate pana in prezent: "Pandemic Dominion" (2011) si "Underlight" (2016), caracterizate printr-un stil agresiv si teme ce proiecteaza cinic promiscuitatea relatiei om-viciu.

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