niedziela, 18 czerwca 2023

Można odsłuchać nowy VULTURE INDUSTRIES


Well known for their wide appeal and their entertainingly theatrical and hugely accessible stage antics, VULTURE INDUSTRIES are proud to unleash their upcoming opus "Ghosts From The Past" ahead of it’s release date.

The new album will be released tomorrow, June 16, but can already be heard in full HERE. The link may be freely spread throughout your channels.

VULTURE INDUSTRIES frontman Bjørnar comments on the stream: "Here you go. 5 years of our lives taken apart, boiled, fermented and distilled into 40 minutes worth of music. Is it good? I hope so! The album is most definitely us. A window into who we are. 7 tracks all slightly bent. Some would say falling between stools. I'd rather say we are dancing from chair to chair while the world wants us to sit."

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