wtorek, 4 czerwca 2024

Debiut MAUDISSEZ w lipcu


We’re extremely proud to announce the first ever vinyl release for the debut monstrosity by cryptic French blackened nekro-doom and death-sludge heretics Maudissez; a grueling slab of utter nihilism and misanthropy vomited straight from the black abyss of the blindest religious darkness.

Nothing is known about this band, aside from this gut-wrenching, tomb-like, subsonic aural profanation against catholicism which was recorded live in a church in France sometime in 2023 as a horrendous desecration ritual. The putrid offering was then self-released by the band digitally on Bandcamp and on cassette, before ending up in an inevitable unholy pact with Sentient Ruin to have the heretical onslaught spread to a wider audience for the first time ever on vinyl format. An implausible crossway of sorts between bands like Corrupted, Hell, Primitive Man, Dragged Into Sunlight and Gnaw Their Tongues, the enigmatic band's peculiar self-described anti-catholic blackened sludge/death-doom displays an abysmal atmosphere shrouded in dissonance and a nekro-fucked audio quality reminiscent of raw punk and raw black metal, but with a massive bottom-caving low end, and absolutely smothering and crushing levels of heaviness. An utter abomination conceived as a vessel of encompassing auditory torment for Maudissez to perpetrate their enigmatic mission of denying catholicism through a wretched defilement of absolute, slow-moving sonic nihilism.

Maudissez’s debut self-titled album has a vinyl street date of July 5 2024

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