czwartek, 25 lipca 2024



Berlin (GER) - Avant-Garde Death Metal duo, Ingurgitating Oblivion, will release long-awaited new album, Ontology of Nought, September 27 on CD, gatefold 2x12" vinyl, cassette, and digital formats via Willowtip Records.

No Clean Singing has premiered the first single, Part I of 18-minute closing track, "The barren earth oozes blood, and shakes and moans, to drink her children's gore." No Clean Singing will premiere Part II on August 23 and Part III on September 11. Click the link that follows to stream Part I now!

Part I will be available on all platforms tomorrow, July 26. Album pre-orders will be available on the same day.

Unsurprisingly, considering the band's acclaimed body of work to date, this is no run-of-the-mill Tech-Death album. The talented duo of guitarist and engineer Norbert Müller and vocalist, guitarist, and composer Florian Engelke have outdone themselves again on Ontology of Nought! Epic-length tracks ranging from 10 to 18 minutes fuse into a cohesive whole that awes with the band's characteristic technical flare and progressive, compositional brilliance. The impressive cast of session and guest musicians adds even more vibrancy. Hearing is believing.

Track Listing:

1. Uncreation's whirring loom you ply with crippled fingers
2. To weave the tapestry of nought
3. The blossoms of your tomorrow shall unfold in my heart
4. Lest I should perish with travel, effete and weary, as my knees refuse to bear me thither
5. The barren earth oozes blood, and shakes and moans, to drink her children's gore

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