niedziela, 8 września 2024

Debiut TOUR D'IVOIRE do odsłuchu


Today, French black metallers Tour d'Ivoire stream the entirety of their highly anticipated debut album, self-titled Tour d'Ivoire, at the Black Metal Promotion YouTube channel. Set for international release today via Antiq, hear Tour d'Ivoire's Tour d'Ivoire in its entirety HERE.

Tour d'Ivoire is an atmospheric black metal project created by Hyver (Véhémence, Grylle, Hanternoz) and La Griesche (Grylle, Cercle du Chêne) in early 2023. The atmosphere of this first eponymous album is thick and mysterious as a twilight fog: extreme vocals emerging from hypnotical riffs, synthesizer melody, and spectral choirs. The French lyrics treat, with a fatalistic view, the contemplation of landscapes and architectures out of mystical dreams, as depicted by Sperber Illustrationen for the album's cover art.

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