niedziela, 16 kwietnia 2023

ÓREIĐA prezentuje singiel z nadchodzącej płyty


Melding the grimness and sublimity of winter, ÓREIĐA present a second track from forthcoming album "The Eternal". 'The River' evokes Iceland's beautiful yet harsh landscapes utilizing hypnotic tremolo riffs, mesmeric drums and evocative keyboard sounds.

Listen here:

ÓREIĐA is an experimental, atmospheric Black Metal band from the northern parts of Iceland. Having grown up with the classics of the 90s, ÓREIĐA's music is both a study of the intricacies of these legendary albums as well as an exploration in how far typical Black Metal elements can be stretched and pushed in new directions.

Starting with "Demó I" ÓREIĐA unveiled a handful of demos and a split before releasing the self-titled debut in 2019. Praised for its unique sound, Dutch Pearce from Decibel stated: "In a genre mired in tradition and thronged by lifeless clones, ÓREIĐA already stands out as a singular work of Art!"

ÓREIĐA will unveil its new album via DMP in 2023.

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