czwartek, 30 maja 2024

Nowy numer od FEED THEM DEATH


Cvlt Nation is hosting the exclusive premiere of "Two Minutes Hate", a blistering track from FEED THEM DEATH's new album "The Malady". This latest preview from the band's new effort is now streaming at THIS LOCATION.

“The Malady” is the fifth release by Death-Grind project FEED THEM DEATH, and it will be released via Brucia Records on June 20th, 2024 on digital and a special limited edition containing CD, Tape with low-fi one take rehearsals, a personalized notebook and a pin all placed inside a black mortuary bag.

3 years exactly after the critically acclaimed “Negative”, FEED THEM DEATH are back with another slab of fast, dissonant and chaotic anti-music.

Eleven new tracks eccentrically fusing Grindcore, Death Metal, D-beat, Sludge, 80’s Crust-Punk / Thrashcore and Noise Rock with a deconstructed and improvisational jazz sensibility.

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