niedziela, 19 maja 2024

Nowy numer od MALIGNANCY


Yonkers (NY) - Brutal Tech-Death stalwarts Malignancy have released "Biological Absurdity," the second single from forthcoming album, ...Discontinued. Check it out at


The single is also available on Spotify, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.


Malignancy are set to unleash ...Discontinued, their first full-length album in five years!


"Malignancy's new album, ...Discontinued, is a post-apocalyptic auditory assault on the listener from beginning to end. ...Discontinued captures all the ingredients of what makes a great extreme metal album. It's Thrashy, Grindy, Techy, and Brutal, all in one! Mixed and mastered by one of the best, Lasse Lammert (Abigail Williams, Raven, Alestorm, Acranius, among others), this is one for the books!"

- Malignancy


...Discontinued will be released on CD, vinyl, and digital forms on June 14 via Willowtip Records.

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