piątek, 24 maja 2024

VALE OF PNATH udostępniają nowy album do odsłuchu


Denver (CO) -The pre-release album stream of Vale of Pnath's Between The Worlds of Life and Death is available now on the Willowtip Records YouTube channel! Listen at youtu.be/FvI9ySE-FWs


Vale of Pnath will release Between The Worlds of Life and Death on CD, vinyl, and digital formats May 24 via Willowtip Records.







The band released the following statement concerning the new album:


"It’s been 5 years since our last release, Accursed. The EP really was a new avenue for the band as we leaned further toward a more blackened approach stylistically. Having more of a tech death background, this EP was a way to lead our fans into the next era. Between The Worlds of Life and Death is an album that really is just a continuation of what we started with Accursed. It captures the band's core sound, but also brings a newer and bold take on this brand of metal. We want this to be the most approachable album we have made for metal fans. We want people to put this on and be sucked in immediately, yet keep coming back for more.” 


Track Listing:


1. The Forgotten Path (Intro)

2. Silent Prayers [Video]

3. Soul Offering [Video]

4. Shadow

5. Uncertain Tomorrow

6. Beneath Ashen Skies

7. No Return, No Regret

8. Echoes Of The Past (Interlude)

9. Burning Light [Video]

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