poniedziałek, 20 maja 2024

Willowtip wznowią zeszłoroczny album IONS


Prague (CZ) - Progressive Metal band IONS have joined the Willowtip Records roster! Willowtip will reissue IONS' 2023 album Counterintuitive on digipak and gatefold 2xlp on August 16. The album is available now on all digital platforms.


The band released the following statement concerning the signing and forthcoming reissue:


“We are incredibly proud and excited to join the roster of Willowtip Records, home to many amazing and inspiring bands. Since our very first conversations, Willowtip has shown that they are as dedicated and passionate about our music as we are. We can’t wait to see what our future together holds. Ideas for our next album have already started evolving, but first, we’ve decided to breathe new life into our previous album, Counterintuitive, through Willowtip Records. The re-release will include a second edition of CDs and our first-ever double vinyl, which will be available for pre-order soon.”

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